Evaluation of Web Sites  
Geography Related
Teachers are welcome to print this page as a
handout for their students, along with the form
that is hyperlinked lower on this page.
If there are any questions, please contact me at armstrongl@nicanor.acu.edu  Old address posted for spammers!!

Introduction.  With over 110 million web sites on the Internet, and the number growing daily, users must be able to critically evaluate web sites.  As with material in other formats, use the following similar publishing elements when evaluating Web sites.  This page is related to analyzing geography and map related sites.

1. Author and Publishing Body.  Who is the author?  Is this author reliable?  Why or why not?  What is the email address and phone number?  What organization is responsible for publishing the site?  Is it educational, governmental, or private?

2. Content and Linkage.  Provide a critical analysis of the site.  How informative is the content?  Is it easy to use?  Can the maps and graphics be enlarged or reduced, and do they show sufficient detail?  Are the maps in color or monochrome and how good is the definition on the maps and graphics?  Are the maps interactive, meaning, can you write information on the map and create your own map?  What is the quality of audio and video if it is provided?  If it is a commercial site requiring a membership or offering items for sale, explain some of the items available.  Are the linkages to other sites embedded in text or in lists and which is better?  Explain what you think is the best hot link on the site.

3. Currency and Relevance.  When was the site established?  When was it last updated?  How important is updating to this site?  In your opinion, how often should it be updated?  Is the input to the site refereed by peers?

4. Applicability and usefulness.  Who is the audience for this site?  How well does it meet the needs of the audience?  How could the Web site be used in a classroom for education?  How is it useful in business?  How is it useful in government?  Who else would be interested in this site?

5. Rating.  With what degree of enthusiasm would you recommend the site to others?  In this project, use the scale 1 to 5 with 1 being the highest rating.

6. Identify the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) that are applicable

7. National Standards.  Enter the numbers for the "National Standards for Geography" that apply.

Assignment:  Critically evaluate TWO Web sites using an assigned form and the lists below, using the criteria above.  If a web site is inactive, let your Teacher know and you will be provided with another site.  This evaluation of web sites is due _______________.

Created 1-10-97
Updated 11-05-05

Lists of sites to be used for Evaluation by students. NEW!

http://ejw.i8.com/geog/web/siteeval.htm (There is one block of 35 sites for Evaluation.)
http://ejw.i8.com/geog/web/webeval2.htm (There is one block of 35 sites for Evaluation)
http://ejw.i8.com/geog/web/websitelist.html  NEW! Block of 40 historical geography and 40 mapping sites
http://ejw.i8.com/geog/web/webeval3.html (Under construction - Sites of Country atlases or map sets for Evaluation) 
http://ejw.i8.com/geog/web/webeval4.html (Under construction - Sites of State atlases or maps sets for Evaluation)
http://ejw.i8.com/geog/web/webanalysisform.html (This form, best viewed with Netscape Communicator 4.0 or higher, is for students to enter evaluation data for two sources.  Simply print it out and reproduce for your students.)

Added 11-10-97 (Checked 11-05-05)

Created 6-9-97
Last updated 11-05-05

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